Thursday, January 24, 2008

A little fairy tale

I have always been rich, but have never been wealthy. If I were wealthy, of course i'd donate lots of money and travel the world and yada yada yada.

But, having been not wealthy most of my life, i would think it would be OK to treat myself to a couple of things. Like season tickets to UL men's basketball. Dinner at Fore Street. Anarchy wine on a regular basis. And the following things from J Crew. (Who knew?)

I can't decide whether i like the red or the teal better. Not that it matters. The teal matches this cute necklace that I can't afford either:

And not that I need a new bathing suit, but of course I want a new one since I am heading to the bright blue waters of the Virgin Islands soon:

I think that this is cute as it has little sea critters on it. I could point to my parts and say, "This is an echinoderm. It is called that because it has spiny skin. All echinoderms have pentaradial symmetry, meaning 5 equal parts coming from the middle, like a star. This is a crustacean. Animals in the crustacean family have jointed appendages, like shrimp and crabs and lobsters, which I eat for dinner regularly as I am so wealthy" And then people would realize that even though I have lots of money, I am still a big, big dorkus melorkus.

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