Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A wish list...

..that has nothing to do with gifts, and yet is still completely self-centered.

1. I wish that predictive text weren't so prudish as to not have in its dictionary words like, "pissed" and "damnit."

2. I wish that Veggie Sausage weren't so expensive.

3. I wish that there were a faucet in my apt. that would pour bourbon.

4. I wish that I had planted butternut squash and a few more beets this summer.

5. I wish that people from my past did not think it is OK to scan pictures of me from age 15 and post them to facebook.

6. I wish that we could claim Thanksgiving as a "friend" holiday without insulting our families.

7. I wish that one could choose a few default dreams to re-dream at night upon demand, especially when one is dreaming about fending off child murderers.

8. I wish that Mabel were not a "sinker".

9. I wish that I had a job whose contribution to society were greater than the ability to make a good latte.

10. I wish that there were a radio station that played music that might challenge the masses.

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